The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

DAY 1 (December 8, 2023): HKUST Shaw Auditorium, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong

The Shaw Auditorium is home to HKUST's cultural activities and a new landmark for large scale events, providing new flexibilities and possibilities to create a vibrant arts and cultural scene at the University.
For location and transport to HKUST Shaw Auditorium, please visit
Day 2 (December 9, 2023): Kaisa Group Lecture Theater, HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong

The HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) is committed to providing a platform for catalytic interaction among the world's foremost scientists and scholars to pursue enduring knowledge. It spearheads both fundamental and applied research relevant to the region's socio-economic development. It aims to nurture gifted students and postdoctoral fellows in the pursuit of knowledge. It raises community interest in the latest scientific and technological discoveries. For location and transport to HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study, please visit
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